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Budget Coach USA
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Building a Better Future

About Us

For many of us, the idea of using a monthly budget to guide our money life was not something we grew up with.  If you are like me growing up, a budget was nothing more than a thing no one ever really talked about.  By the time I was 22 years old and out of college my concept of people who had money fell into about 2 categories. 

  1. Doctors, lawyers, and others in high-paying professions. 
  2. Lucky people who must have inherited money or were born into wealthy families.

Of course, this is nonsense however without any financial education growing up my imagination filled in the gaps.  As I got older and began to see my peers slowly building better lives my questions (and curiosity) began.  What were they doing to achieve their standard of living?  After all, I knew many of these people didn't come from wealthy backgrounds, and, their work as teachers or non-profit professionals didn't align with my preconception that they had high-paying careers either.  So how did so many of my peers build better lives while I was using a credit card just to be able to take the family out for dinner?  As it turns out, my imagination led me in the completely wrong direction.

As the years progressed I began learning that having some money is, comparatively speaking, rarely about having a high-paying career or having "lucky" family circumstances.  Certainly, those people do exist but as the data shows, being a millionaire in the United States today comes down to doing the little things correctly over a long period of time.  Most millionaires in the US today have a propensity for saving, a natural aversion to wasting money, and most importantly, the ability to choose what they want most, over what they want now.

In the end, I learned that living a comfortable financial life had nothing to do with luck or professions.  It had everything to do with intentionality, discipline, and 5th-grade math.  Spend less than you earn (Intentionality), learn how to say no (Discipline), and stay out of debt (5th Grade Math).  Coincidentally, good things happen when these 3 qualities come together within the context of handling your monthly budget.

What is a budget?  A budget is how you achieve a dignified financial life.  If you are struggling to pay your bills or save for the future or, if you simply feel that there must be a better check out my blog.  A budget is more than you might think.  As I've learned over the past nearly 20 years, a budget is an indispensable tool for financial freedom.

I'd love to tell you more.  Book a free consultation today.

Budget Coach USA

My wife (Kristy) and I on the Island of Sint Maarten in the southern Caribbean on our 32nd Anniversary Cruise celebration.

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